Privacy Policy

The processing of personal data is the responsibility of Listik.
Purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data
Listik processes personal data in order to manage applications for the performance of work. Data is collected about everyone who leaves a request in our application.

Personal data is processed for the following purposes:
Accepting applications for bicycle repair work
Bicycle parts database search
Communication with hackers by sending them information about bicycle parts and breakdowns
various stages of the application process and, if necessary, requesting additional information
Maintenance and development of IT systems Listik
Data subjects have the right to delete their application and personal information, after which these data will no longer be available to Listik staff.
Data processing is based on the consent of the customer, the fulfillment of the contractor's statutory obligations and legitimate interests (eg analysis and statistics).
Data processed in the application management register and their storage
The register contains the following information about customers:
First and last name
E-mail address
Phone number (home, work, mobile)
Address, country, district, town, postal code
Bicycle make and model
Applications (e.g. photography)
Applicant's wishes regarding the time of work completion
Correspondence language
The text of the application in free form and additional information
Information regarding bicycle breakdowns and repair parts

The history of correspondence between the customer and the contractor is stored throughout the entire process of work. Any applications are archived and stored for one year after the completion of the work.

Data protection principles

Listik is responsible for the confidentiality, quality and accuracy of personal data in accordance with the general principles of information security of the EU. Personal data is processed only by persons specifically authorized to do so and bound by confidentiality obligations.

Listik is responsible for the usability, integrity and accuracy of the data in the registry. The data is transferred using information security solutions that comply with Listik's information security principles. Listik stores data in databases protected by firewalls and other technological means. Databases and their backups are located in closed and guarded premises, access to data is possible only appointed persons.

Rights of data subjects, access to information, correction and completion of data, restrictions

The data subject has the right to know about the processing of his personal data, to view his personal data and to demand the correction of inaccurate data and the completion of incomplete data. The data subject may request the deletion or transfer of personal data or request the restriction of processing. Where processing is based on consent, consent may be withdrawn at any time.

Users logged into the Listik electronic system can view, modify and delete the information they provide.

Data subjects may also submit requests for review, rectification and completion by personally visiting the address of the above, or by sending a signed request to the address provided, or by sending a scanned copy of the request by e-mail to

Requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis as these rights may be limited due to circumstances.

All data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, especially in the Member State where they usually reside or work or where the alleged violation of the data protection regulation has occurred (in Finland the supervisory authority is the Data Protection Authority). ombudsman).
for service questions
on cooperation
+358 40 364 3858
Helsinki, Punavuorenkatu 5, 00120